2015 Year in Review

From our spirited conference on education, to our participation in Montclair’s African American Heritage and 4th of July parades, through our debate party and the highlighted visit by Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen, the Montclair Republicans have continued the tradition of dissent in Montclair and offered fresh thinking on big issues.   In this, our organization has given the community one invaluable gift, the public and unashamed exercise of free speech.

Maybe we changed a few minds this year, and we certainly reassured some who cherish economic and personal freedoms that they have a safe space in a community where they often feel demeaned.   We hope that the example we provide will inspire not only local individuals who share our philosophies, but help the majority who hold sway to see us as human beings with many of the same hopes for our future as they.

As we weigh all the daunting questions of our personal and political lives this season, and wish for miracles, let’s remember the stories just past of Hanukah, when just a small amount of oil gave off so much light; and Christmas, when a baby was born to a humble and powerless woman, a baby sent by God to change the world.

Please join us on Tuesday, January 19, and bring friends, as we begin the new year with a visit from esteemed professor, writer, and former US Congressional candidate Murray Sabrin, who will discuss why the NJ State income tax should be abolished.

I can’t think of a better note on which to begin the 2016 campaign.

Happy New Year to all.

John Van Wagner, President

Montclair Republican Club